Saturday, June 23, 2007

Oh Kay~


I havent posted on this blog for aaages~

been busy lately. plus i never really found the incentive to actually get around to posting here, so that doesnt really help matters too much.

so im back in malaysia. for about a month i tihnk. leaving on july the 18th. a friend that i wanted to meet cancelled an outing, due to time constraints, so im a little down about that. but it cant be helped, so i guess i wont worry about it, but it doesnt really stop me from feeling a little bad about it. oh well, ill make it up to them.

anyway, i havent been able to stay up this late for the longest time~ so im quite happy about that. today was a do-absolutely-piss-nothing day. and it was one of the more unproductive, but nice days. the renovation next door woke me up, as it does everyday, but thats another thing i gotta put up with i guess.. , check it out if you're still in school. if not, well.. check it out anyway~

ummm, im kinda typing off the toppa my head here. err, yeah. M&Ms are goooood.. im eating a bag of them right now. the rate i eat stuff, i should be at least 80 kilos and massively fat by now, but here i am, thin as anything. everyone goes "eat more" and im thinking its not possible, given how much i already eat...

yeah. ill like... spam this thing more as i think up more stuff (crap) to say. hehe~

but im happy, and thats all that matters right now.
