[c=57] Name [/c][b/]: [b] whatever [b/]
Whatever whatever. its pretty freakin obvious that they're attempting to break their names and color it with all sorts of primary colors.
Swear to gawd they find all these bogus websites and read and believe it like it was some kind message from heaven (more likely the developers of msn) telling them how to make 'cool colors' and 'awesome breaks' and other 'stupid things to annoy other people with your already ass long names of self expression and whatnot.' i mean, its already hard enough to read your stupid name without having to root through all the brackets and backslashes and hearts and broken hearts and wilted flowers, for gawd sake keep it CLEAR.
hows this?
[c=IT] Name [/cDOESNT][bFREAKEN]: [bWORKc] whatever [bYA/][cASS/]
Ya know, which brings me to my next point; its called a "Display Name" for a reason you turd. seriously, next time i feel like calling you "broken" or "elements of life" or "moonbeam" ill let get a hippy to do it. its not like your parents named you some retardo wonkified name out of the blue.
I mean come ON, i have no idea who the bob you are, ive got no clue HOW i know you, ive got no clue to anything and all because your name in indecipherable.
And when i ask "Hi there~ if i may ask who you are," dont bloody tell me "You dont remember?"
Well flap. i only asked you because i wanted to borrow a cup of sugar. for bob sake just tell me who you are, because its not like i see your name "Crying Girl" or whatever the hell you write in there and think "Ah! it must be her." I know a gazillion crying girls and emotional people and the wannabe emo people and the whatnot, so dont be so naive as to think you're the ONLY freakin crying prat on my msn list. Thats why the "personal message" is there ya blind rats. For, i dont know if you noticed, PERSONAL MESSAGES.
THATS where you stick you crying crap. THATS where you stick your colored sh*t. THATS where you tell people whats personal to you. why? BECAUSE ITS THE PERSONAL MESSAGE SECTION. i hope ive got the clear.
Your email address is another thing many people seem not to understand. its an email address for a reason. its SUPPOSED to be a convenient way to message someone and keep in contact. the time it takes for someone to tell another person what they're email address is like killing a cow in slow motion, flap, you never GET there.
Heres a conversation i heard, and its not accurate, cos im pulling this out of memory. but you'll get the idea;
the email address K_ljpY_-..-_ 1990 @ imaretardformakingsuchacomplicatedassemailaddress[dot] ass
"So can i have your email addresss?"
"sure its capital kay underscore ell jay pee capital why, underscore then a dash then two periods's then dash, then underscore again then nineteen ninety at
"Im sorry i didnt catch that, could you repeat that?"
And then it goes on for another good 20 minutes for the retard to get the message across. geez, the public mailing system could have gotten to the house 6 times by snail mail by the time they finally get the email address straight, and sometimes they dont even get it right. heck ive met people who dont even remember their own stinking email addresses, with the excuse "Its too complicated" as if they should be proud of being an ass.
And for goodness sake LOSE THE EMOTICONS in normal conversations. your pictures are smaller than the size of a peanut in full bloom. its not like i can see the tiny little "Haha" in the top left corner, behind the tortise and panda and the tears that come out of the drainpipe eyes etc etc. It takes up the entire stinking picture, and those tiny little anime characters piss me off with their stupid twisted emotions. who the hell cries that much while they laugh they're heads off?! i mean seriously, give me one example right here. "My friend" doesnt really count, cos MY friend can leap buildings in a single bound and open the soup can with his ass.
And if you find this blog and you read it, and you're one of those people who do alll that crap on msn live, do everyone a favour and make a readable and easily identifiable name, your emails addresses have no meaning whatsoever most of the time , i mean, what the hell is wrong with just sticking your first name, then last name? if its taken, just stick something on the end that has sentimental value. not that hard is it?
And if you find this blog and read it, and you're one of those people, as opposed to that ^ lot, are unwilling to make changes to your 'self expression' and think im a putz, Bite Me.
If you're reading this blog and what ive said has no impact whatsoever on your life (hope it doesnt, id rather not discover anyone angrier than me right now), and having a laugh at what ive written; go outside and do something productive. go get a drink with your friends or whatever.