Monday, April 2, 2007

Looks okay from here.

Well, we've left. all the work of our matches gone to waste; from 36th on the ladder, all the way up to 13th. and we left. so much time and effort put in, such a shame its all gone away. well, i suppose its not so bad. i've learned a lot from this (i dont know what those lessons are yet, but ill figure it out sooner or later).

It looks like we're going to be off on our own little clan for a while. its gonna be called TheNine or something. Its most of the =UnT= Elite Squad with the exception of Saladin, who decided to remain with UnT. well, im sorry, Sal.

I suppose it cant be all bad, much as i hate to leave UnT. But my loyalties are to Houtman and N3misis (particularly N3m). Since most of the late Elite squad has formed up on Houtman, it seems that we're still gonna be hangin' around together, in our own little squad. No big-man orginization to rule over us, you know? No higher power to watch over us and breathe down our necks. Itll be just Us, freelance. Almost like mercenaries, except we're not up for hire. At least, as far as i can tell. We'll just be us, like.. like.. a single faction, just us lot blasting the hell out of anything that gets in our way. Like i says to one of the guys the other day "Always been Elite, always will be elite."

^ That doesnt really count anymore, cos we're not Elite, but we're still the same. Just under a different name. It doesnt matter what our name is to me (it could be 'hout n n3ms lot' for all i care), its just who's in the squad. And the roster is still the same, so im comfortable with it.

Well, ill post more up here when i need to sort stuff out.

If you were reading this, i do imagine you've done one of two things;

-learned a little more about me and how i think or
-wasted about 5 minutes of your life.

anyway, take it easy, all.


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